Baca Juga
Since its inception as Sharia Business Unit of PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (currently named “PT Bank BTPN Tbk”) in 2010, BTPN Syariah has included and reached the segment that had not been touched by banking sector, that is the productive underprivileged segment.
With the mandate to deliver empowerment activities and financial literacy for the women in the country, BTPN Syariah provides access and banking products and services in Sharia principles for them to affirm the intention to realize the aspiration for a better life.
On 14 July 2014, BTPN Syariah was officially registered as the 12th Sharia Commercial Bank in Indonesia by the spin off PT Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk’s (currently named “PT Bank BTPN Tbk”) Sharia Business Unit and the conversion of PT Bank Sahabat Purna Danarta (“BSPD”).
Currently looking for a job vacancy for the position COMMUNITY OFFICER (CO)
Kualifikasi :
- Perempuan
- Usia 18-33 tahun
- Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK/sederajat
- Suka berpergian dan bertemu dengan banyak orang
- Suka tantangan dan mau belajar
- Bisa mengendarai sepeda motor
Benefit :
- Pendapatan tetap
- Fasilitas tempat teinggal dan kendaraan kerja
- THR 2x gaji pokok dan insentif
- Fasilitas kesehatan (BPJS, Asuransi rawat inap)
- Kesempatan beasiswa sarjana S1
- Jenjang karir
Jl H. Encep Nawawi Rt.002/Rw.011 Kelurahan Bubulak, Kec. Bogor Barat, Bogor, Jawa Barat (Dekat terminal Bubulak/MTs Yasiba)
- Subject:Community Officer_Nama_Domisili
- More Info : HUBUNGI
- Note: Proses rekrutmen PT. Bank BTPN Syariah gratis dan TIDAK MEMUNGUT BIAYA APAPUN
- Deadline: 3 Juni 2024
- Penempatan : Bogor
- Jenis Pekerjaan : FULL TIME
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