Lowongan Kerja Bogor


26 January 2024

Baca Juga

Matahari (“Matahari” or “Company”) has a deep legacy in Indonesian retail. Beginning its journey on October 24, 1958 with the opening of its first outlet, a children’s fashion store in Jakarta, Matahari went on to open Indonesia’s first modern department store in 1972. Since then, Matahari has established itself as a truly national brand.

Matahari is the largest retail platform in Indonesia, with 143 stores in 78 cities across Indonesia as well as presence online on Matahari.com. For over 60 years, Matahari has provided the growing Indonesian middle class with quality, fashionable and affordable apparel, beauty and footwear products. Matahari employs around 40,000 employees (including consignment SPGs) and partners with around 600 local as well as international suppliers.

Currently looking for vacancies for the position of KASIR & SALES ASSOCIATE (Season Lebaran 2024)

Kualifikasi :
  1. Laki-laki/Perempuan
  2. Usia maksimal 28 tahun tahun
  3. Minimal lulusan SMA/K sederajat
  4. Berpenampilan menarik
  5. Tinggi badan minimal 163cm (laki-laki) dan 155cm (perempuan
  6. Memiliki keterampilan komunikasi yang baik
  7. Berorientasi terhadap kepuasan pelanggan dan pencapaian target penjualan
  8. Memahami dunia fashion
  9. Memiliki pengalaman kerja (Magang)
  10. Tidak buta warna (parsial/total)
  11. Sudah melakukan vaksin booster kedua
  12. Bersedia ditempatkan di Matahari The Park Sawangan

The Park Sawangan 1st floor, Jl. Jkt - Bogor, Serua, Kec. Bojongsari, Kota Depok, Jawa Barat

Kirim CV dan Lamaran ke:
Link Pendaftaran : DAFTAR DISINI
  • Deadline : 10 Februari 2024
  • Penempatan : Depok
  • Seluruh Proses Recruitment TIDAK DIPUNGUT BIAYA apapun!
  • Jenis Pekerjaan : FULL TIME
Semoga lamaranmu diterima ya 😍
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