Lowongan Kerja Bogor


28 March 2023

Baca Juga

Welcome to Vapexpress, your number one source for all things Vape Equipment. We’re dedicated to giving you the very best of Vape Equipment. 

Founded in 2020 by Benedict Hartono, Vapexpress has come a long way from its beginnings in a home office in Jakarta Timur, Jakarta. When Benedict Vapexpress first started out, his passion for providing the best equipment for his fellow vaper drove him to do intense research, and gave him the impetus to turn hard work and inspiration into to a booming online store and offline store.

We now serve customers all over Indonesia, and are thrilled to be a part of the quirky, fair trade wing of the Vape industry.  We hope you enjoy our products as much as we enjoy offering them to you. If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Currently hiring for the position of TIM SALES / VAPORISTA

  1. Berpenampilan rapi dan menarik
  2. Memiliki jiwa dan semangat positif dalam belajar dan bekerja
  3. Karakter dan kepribadian yang memiliki "wow effect"
  4. Menjunjung tinggi norma kejujuran dan kedisiplinan
  5. Mampu terlibat baik dalam tim maupun prestasi pribadi
  6. Selalu siap bersaing dan memenangkan persaingan
  7. Mengetahui dan paham tentang rokok elektrik dan kelengkapannya menjadi nilai tambah
  8. Pernah mengoperasikan dan mengetahui sistem POS
  9. Mampu bekerja mengejar target dan dalam tekanan
  10. Aktif disosial media dan mempu mempromosikan Vapexpress
  11. Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh gerai vapexpress (Bogor dan sekitarnya)
  1. Melayani pelanggan
  2. Menerima dan menghitung stock in
  3. Menginput transaksi ke sistem POS
  4. Menerima pembayaran cash dan non cash
  5. Melakukan closing sattlement

Jl. Sukasari 1 No.11D, Sukasari, Kec. Bogor Tim., Kota Bogor, Jawa Barat 16142

Kirim CV dan Lamaran ke:
  • Subject : Tim Sales/Vaporista_Nama
  • Deadline : 24 April 2023
  • Penempatan : Bogor
  • Jenis Pekerjaan : FULL TIME
Semoga lamaranmu diterima ya 😍
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