Lowongan Kerja Bogor


19 December 2022

Baca Juga

Sentul Highlands Golf Club is situated in the prestigious and fully integrated and up-market Sentul City housing estate. Back-dropped by several mountains that overlook the stunning “Sentul Highlands”, playing this challenging course comes with sweeping vistas in nearly every direction.

And nowhere is that more evident than from the “open-air” and cozy clubhouse restaurant, its adjacent terraces, and from the driving range. Stretched out over nearly 90 hectares, the front nine snakes through a relatively cultivated and manicured part of the Sentul Highlands, and were housing is a predominant feature.

The opening hole is located right at the back of the clubhouse. From an elevated tee box, the view on the entire fairway – as well as on the fairway of hole #9 to the left – is pretty impressive.

Currently opening job vacancies for the position of  WAITRESS

Requiements :
  1. Wanita
  2. Berpenampilan menarik
  3. Single, berusia maksimal 25 tahun
  4. Tinggi minimal 165 cm
  5. Pendidikan minimal SMA/SMK
  6. Mampu berkomunikasi dan beradaptasi dengan baik
  7. Mampu bekerja sama secara tim atau individu
  8. Teliti serta cekatan dalam melakukan pekerjaan
  9. Berdomisili wilayah sekitaran Bogor
  1. CV
  2. Surat Lamaran Kerja
  3. FC KTP, Ijazah Terakhir
  4. Sertifikat Vaksin Booster
  5. Surat Keterangan Sehat Dokter

Jl. Sumur Batu, Cijayanti, Babakan Madang, Sentul City, Kab. Bogor, Jawa Barat 16810

  • Hari/Tanggal : Kamis, 22 Desember 2022
  • Waktu : Pukul 09.00 WIB - Selesai
  • Dresscode : Blouse berwarna + Rok Pendek + High Heels
  • Jenis Pekerjaan : FULL TIME
Semoga lamaranmu diterima ya 😍
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