Lowongan Kerja Bogor


16 December 2022

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PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk adalah salah satu produsen semen di Indonesia. Indocement merupakan produsen terbesar kedua di Indonesia. Selain memproduksi semen, Indocement juga memproduksi beton siap-pakai, serta mengelola tambang agregat dan tras.

PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk., didirikan berdasarkan Akta Nomor 227 tanggal 16 Januari 1985, yang dibuat di hadapan Notaris Ridwan Suselo, S.H., dan telah diumumkan dalam Berita Negara Republik Indonesia (BNRI) Nomor 57, Tambahan Nomor 946 tanggal 16 Juli 1985 dengan nama PT Inti Cahaya Manunggal.

Guna mengantisipasi pertumbuhan pasar yang semakin kuat, Indocement terus berupaya menambah jumlah pabriknya untuk meningkatkan kapasitas produksi. Perseroan mengakuisisi Plant 9 pada 1991 dan menyelesaikan pembangunan Plant 10 di Kompleks Pabrik Cirebon, Cirebon, Jawa Barat pada 1996. Selanjutnya pada 1997, Plant 11 selesai dibangun di Kompleks Pabrik Citeureup, Bogor, Jawa Barat.

Saat ini sedang membuka lowongan untuk posisi RECRUITMENT OFFICER & AUDITOR

Kualifikasi :
  1. Minimum Bachelor Degree with GPA 3.0 above graduated from a leading university with major in Psychology, Psychologist are preferred
  2. Having 2-3 years of experience in the field of recruitment specialist, fresh graduates are welcome to apply
  3. Result Oriented, Accountable, Team Work, High Integrity & Pro Active
  4. Good in Microsoft Office (Excel, Powerpoint, Word)
  5. Fluent in both English and Bahasa Indonesia, both written and verbal
  6. Willing to be contracted under Subsidiary of PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk.

Tanggung Jawab :
  1. Reviewing resumes and cover letters to determine whether candidates meet qualifications for the position
  2. Interviewing and screening applicants to determine whether they are qualified for a position
  3. Scheduling and conducting interviews with candidates to evaluate their suitability for the job
  4. Recommending candidates for hiring based on their qualifications, skills, and compatibility with the company culture
  5. Maintaining contact with candidates throughout the hiring process to ensure that each step is completed on schedule

Kualifikasi :
  1. Minimum Bachelor Degree with GPA 3.0 above with major in Accounting
  2. Having minimum of 2 years of experience as an Auditor
  3. Result Oriented, Accountable, Team Work, High Integrity & Pro Active
  4. Good in Microsoft Office (Excel, Powerpoint, Word)
  5. Fluent in both English and Bahasa Indonesia, both written and verbal
  6. Willing to be contracted under Subsidiary of PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk.

Tanggung Jawab :
  1. Review, assessment and recommendations for improvement related to the adequacy and effectiveness of the internal control system and methods of safeguarding company assets, adherence to financial & accounting policies and procedures, tax regulations and accounting principles, reliability of accounting information systems and methods of measuring and reporting information
  2. Assist the completion of an audit task specifications
  3. Make a summary report of audit findings and recommendations
  4. The independence and integrity of the audit as well as the opinion and recommendations of the auditor
  5. Maintain the confidentiality of company data, information, policies, manuals, SOPs, transactions, records & reports

Wisma Indocement 8th floor Jalan Jenderal Sudirman Kav.70-71, Setiabudi, Jakarta Selatan, Jakarta 12910, ID

Kirim CV dan Lamaran ke:

  • Deadline : 23 Desember 2022
  • Penempatan : PT Bhakti Sari Perkasa Bersama (Subsidiary of PT Indocement Tunggal Prakarsa Tbk.) BOGOR Jl. Mayor Oking Jayaatmaja Rt/rw 02/05 Kel. Puspanegara, Kec. Citeureup Kabupaten Bogor, Citeureup, Kab. Bogor
  • Jenis Pekerjaan : FULL TIME
Semoga lamaranmu diterima ya 😍
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